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Food, Wine & Beverages

Three Square Meals A Day?

Getting three home-cooked meals a day into our grandchildren seems like an impossible goal given today's pace of life. Yet children's need for good, nourishing food remains a constant.

Barbecue Balance

Whether yours is by the beach or in the backyard, state of the art or run of the mill, fuelled by gas, charcoal or driftwood there is something wonderful about cooking on a barbecue.

Super foods: tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the richest sources of lycopene, the potent age-defying antioxidant that gives fruit and vegetables their red colour.

Baked Beans, Nature’s Superfood

New Zealanders munch their way through an average of 2.6 kilograms of baked beans per head each year but few would realise the true nutritional benefits of this 'super food'.

Adapting recipes for health needs

The aim of a good healthy lifestyle is to include a variety of many different foods that will supply plenty of nutrients and to balance your energy intake with your activity levels!

Summer Heights

A belated Happy New Year! I have always found this an unreal time of year in New Zealand; Christmas is past, the New Year celebrated but with many still on holiday and the country itself has got its shorts and jandals on and is just cruising slowly throug

BBQ Oily Rag Style

Happy New Year! It's summer and for many that means dusting off the BBQ. Some BBQs have more gadgets and style than a Lear Jet but that's not really the oily rag way.

Santa’s List

Whether these thoughts help you to solve your Christmas present problems or just give you something to put on your own wish-list to Santa, Donna and I wish you the very Merriest of Christmases and a New Year of Peace, Joy and Happiness.