Taking a road trip with grandkids is a great way to foster positive relationships and have fun. ...
My kid the bully
What should I do if I discover my child is a bully?
Gifts for young adults – 6 great suggestions from the horses’ mouths!
Remember those heady days when the grandchildren were little and gift-buying was easy? Those were the ...
Why do kids grizzle and whine?
Why do kids grizzle and whine? Because it works! Like chicks in a nest that pester ...
Backhanded compliments
We all know that “No offence, but…” generally precedes an incredibly offensive or judgemental statement. Similarly, ...
Keeping in contact – stopping social isolation
A healthy mind and a healthy body go together hand in hand. Very rarely do we ...
Navigating differences of opinion in relationship vs. parenting
My mum was always a National supporter, and my dad was Labour. Every three years they ...
Setting up the younger generations with a ‘success attitude’
I’m sure all of us would love to leave our children a farm and squillions of ...
Importance of keeping & making friends once retired
Friendship plays an important role in our lives, no matter what age we are. Children invite ...
Video: Imagination
“We’ve all been that kid sitting in the back seat of our family car, wishing we ...