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False Promises Will Infect Your Computer

If I were to ask "how many of you have had a pop-up appear that claimed to 'fix a virus' or 'clean your computer' while searching for information on the internet?" I believe most people would raise their hand.

Social Networking: Our Future?

Social Networking has grown exponentially. Although some of my entries are to do with the young people of today, I think there are many parallels between the online world and the way younger generations are growing up .

Is Social Media a Fad?

There's a lot of talk going around that Social Media is a fad. People and businesses are claiming that the new phenomenon is nothing less than a passing phase that will be overtaken in the next few years. It's both true and not true.

Get your Business Social-Mediazed!

Just like you, as a business, don't visit every business networking event, your business also doesn't need to be on every social networking site, so here's a few tips to help you be as productive as possible in your online ventures: