We all know why teens use Facebook, but more parents and grandparents are now getting hooked too! Here are ten reasons why senior parents are using Facebook every day.
False Promises Will Infect Your Computer
If I were to ask "how many of you have had a pop-up appear that claimed to 'fix a virus' or 'clean your computer' while searching for information on the internet?" I believe most people would raise their hand.
How Much Time Should My Social Media Take Up?
You want the short answer? I bet you can spend 15 minutes a day. No, cancel that - how about 10 minutes a day? So why can't I find the time to do it? You might ask me.
How To Spot a Scam – Top 10 Scams to be Aware Of
Scams have been around for many years where criminals see an easy opportunity to prey on the vulnerable. Unfortunately, since the dawn of the internet and email, opportunistic criminals have been more creative in their methods.
Rules of Engagement On Social Networks
No matter what business workshop you do, Social Media article or books you read, one thing is for sure - the age of engagement is upon us.
Social Media – Online vs. Offline
Time and time again, business owners enquire about why Social Media is right for their business.
Benefits of Using Facebook & Twitter
Time and time again, business courses, workshops, general media and people are going on about using Social Media for business.
Social Networking: Our Future?
Social Networking has grown exponentially. Although some of my entries are to do with the young people of today, I think there are many parallels between the online world and the way younger generations are growing up .
Google Plus – the Future…?
Recently, I've been bombarded by invitations to join the Google Plus social network. What are your thoughts?
Is Social Media a Fad?
There's a lot of talk going around that Social Media is a fad. People and businesses are claiming that the new phenomenon is nothing less than a passing phase that will be overtaken in the next few years. It's both true and not true.