Bill and Bob were standing at the base of a flagpole, looking up.
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Quitting the Crockery – How to Downsize with Ease!
Whether you’re thinking of downsizing, or simply want to unclutter your kitchen to make life simpler, here are some tips on how to say “sayōnara” to some seriously superfluous dishes!
Joke of the Day
A fellow’s wife went missing. He and his wife had had a big public fight
Joke of the Day
A young man saw an elderly couple sitting down to lunch at a cafe.
Joke of the Day
A plane is on its way to London when a blonde in economy class gets up
Joke of the Day
A couple were 85 years old and had been married for sixty years.
Joke of the Day
A man decided to open his own medical clinic.
Camembert With Caramelised Apple & Roasted Hazelnuts
Another baked cheese, but this time, sweet. If there is a wood-fired oven in your vicinity, use it, as this recipe works very well in one. However, a regular oven is perfectly adequate.
Joke of the Day
A doctor enters into a patient's room and informs the patient he has good news and bad news.
Men’s Attire – Secrets to Standing Out
Almost everyone appreciates being noticed. When it comes to masculine attire, being noticed isn’t so much about the ‘dramatic’ as the ‘subtle.