Funny Video
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
Forum Behaviour Guidelines
1. Do not post any information that you want private. Posts should not contain personal, identifiable ...
Understanding Electric Motors
The world of electric motors is quite fascinating. For many making and collecting various types of ...
Gotta Love Being…
Jokes about Gotta Love Being A...
The Pearly Gates
A minister dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is ...
Traveller’s Checks And Balances
They say we are what we eat. If we eat what the locals eat when we travel, does that make us locals too?
Reasons to Get Into Bellydancing
Bellydancing is swaying its way into being one of the most popular forms of entertainment and exercise. Here are ten reasons why you should consider trying it.
Human Rights
The Law The Human Rights Act 1993 protects you from being discriminated against because of your ...
Mental Health Foundation of NZ
The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand is a charitable trust which aims to make mental ...
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