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Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.

Night School

When everyone is lying, who can you trust? This tense gripping thriller is The Secret History for the young adult set!

Stories That Talk To Us

I love delving into old newspapers to find ancestor stories. Motivated largely by that old saying, those who forget history are doomed to repeat it, I'm digging up tales from yesterday that still speak to us today.

Learning From My Techsavvy Grandkids

My six year old granddaughter, blonde, blue eyed and full of feminine charms has turned into a ferocious pig hunter. She smiles one of her irresistible smiles and invites me to join her.

Online Safety

The internet can be a pretty scary place. I can understand people's concern, especially with recent press releases about how the CIA use information of people online to catch criminals, and spy on the nation.

What Has Happened to New Zealand Police

My first father-in-law was Cecil James Crawford. He was what you used to call a good, old-fashioned neighbourhood cop. In the fifties, his beat was where he lived. And he kept a lid on an area that had the potential to turn rough.