Rock legend David Bowie has passed away, aged 69 – he was such an influence on ...
Articles covering all sorts of humour, entertainment, book reviews, sport and hobbies, fashion, beauty and technology needs.
The Year is 1915
The year is 1915. One hundred years ago. What a difference a century makes! Here are some statistics ...
Spanish Oysters
An traveller stopped at a local restaurant following a day roaming around in Madrid. While sipping his ...
Which Toe?
A young son ran to his mother, crying. “Mummy, I stubbed my toe,” he sobbed. “Let me ...
Late Home
A mathematician wanders back home at 3 a.m. and proceeds to get an earful from his ...
Space Life
What happens when you wring out a wash cloth in space? This is super cool!
Canterbury Tales: Summer Reading
When my sister and brother-in-law arrived up in Auckland from Rangiora last week for a summer ...
Make Your Own Bed
When you need a nap, sometimes you have to make your own bed. This 14 year old ...
Severe Backache
A man goes to see his doctor. The doctor asks for the reason for his visit, and ...
How To Be Safe Riding Towable Inflatables
You’ve gotten yourself this great new towable inflatable, or you’re looking into getting one, and you’re ...