Do you ever wonder about the names given to places of privacy and repose; where person ...
Poem: Late in the season
When sixty winter seasons have danced across thy face and the field of your proud beauty ...
Poem: Supies rule
Have you ever thought about the role supermarkets play in your life? The time spent in ...
Video: Child replacement programme
When the kids move out of home you get a certain freedom.
Ted ed – Why do we feel nostalgia?
Nostalgia was once considered an illness confined to specific groups of people. Today, people all over ...
Ted ed – Got seeds? Just add bleach, acid and sandpape
For a seed to start growing, its embryo must emerge from its hard coat. In nature ...
Poem: Highway rendezvous
Here I am on the Highway early morning on the way to town. Heavy traffic all ...
Poem: An owed to the supermarket
Off we go to the Supermarket Where oft times we’ve been before Find a park, a ...
Poem: How to be seen at an accident scene
My friends I give you this advice ignore it and you will repent Always leave home ...
Friday trivia quiz
1. What is the principal vitamin obtainable from potatoes? Vitamin C Vitamin B Vitamin D 2. What ...