Easter doesn’t need to mean sugar highs and loading up on the sweet stuff. While part ...
Video: Duct tape surfing for paraplegic mum
18 years ago a slight lapse in concentration crushed Pascale’s dreams of surfing. With the help ...
Fun Fact: The library taking 100 years to literally grow its books
100 trees have been planted and in 100 years time, 100 unread, unpublished novels will be ...
How did teeth evolve?
You may take them for granted, but your teeth are a marvel. They break up all ...
How to tell if someone is flirting with you
In the world of dating or just in our daily social interactions, there are a lot ...
Video: Disrupt aging: What is old?
What age do you consider to be old? AARP posed that question to millennials and asked ...
Video: History of the Olympics National Geographic
Once every two years, the top athletes in the world vie for the coveted Olympic gold ...
Video: Moving a town, Sweden’s social sculpture helping to soothe residents
Moving homes can be a tough adjustment, but moving an entire town? In Kiruna, Sweden, an ...
How does music evoke our memories?
Music is a big part of our lives. We’ve all listened to it at some stage, ...
Christina – a short story
Christina decided she would go to bed early, it was cold and snowing heavily outside. She ...