With the following tips, we encourage you to think about ‘cleaning and clutter-removal’ as a way to prevent fire in your home.
Life-Admin is Easier in a Clean Office!
Whether your ‘office’ is a designated room, a desk in the corner of the living room, or simply at one end of the dining room table, it’s a lot more inviting if it’s clean, tidy, and orderly.
Is Your Empty House Insured?
It is generally considered safer when residential properties have someone residing in them. If damage does occur, someone living in the house will spot it and be able to clean it up quickly.
Keeping Your Pool Covered – By Insurance
If you own a swimming pool, you know how important it is to keep it covered so it stays clean, but what about making sure it's covered by insurance?
What To Consider When Moving House
Packing your life into boxes and moving house is exciting for many, but stressful for others. There are so many things on your mind, and remembering insurance can be one of the last things on your checklist.
Keeping Safe When Using A Power Board
If used correctly, multi socket boards are safe, but if overloaded, worn or damaged, they can cause a fire or electric shock.
Home Alone? Try these lifting solutions
Lifting and carrying doesn’t get any easier with age. Try employ some of the following tips to help you stay independent around your home!
Living Alone? Get serious about home security!
Living alone has its challenges, but one of the advantages is you learn to depend on yourself for your security – and that can build confidence.
Neighbours Need Each Other – get to know yours!
Neighbours don’t need to be best buddies, but they do need to get along
Tricks to Managing Home Maintenance
Living alone for the first time as a grown-up can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to home maintenance. However, once you establish a seasonal routine, everything seems more manageable.