Following the success of the GrownUps sex survey, we introduce a new column, where you can ...
Sexual Health (R50)
R50: The Sex Life of NZ GrownUps
Our 2015 GrownUps Sex Survey was such a hit we have re-released the results. There’s a ...
Why is Good Sex So Important?
If it's not good a partner doesn't want it... and did you know that there's no male equivalent of Menopause?
GrownUps Saucy Sex Survey
The GrownUps Saucy Sex Survey had over 700 respondents and provided some interesting reading. Key findings ...
A lube that can be used on your hair, your body, and in bed? Well, yes, actually!
Toys for GrownUps
Psssst. Wanna know a secret? GrownUps, even some very grown up GrownUps, are playing . . .
Bravo, Pornography!
Porn is one of those concepts that evokes immediate reactions, pro or con, sometimes sending otherwise seemingly sane people into screaming fits.
Forget your Sun Sign – What’s Your Sex Style?
Most people make love the way they want to be made love to. They tend to forget that not only do they have their own lovemaking style there's a good chance that it never occurred to them that their partner's style may be quite different than their own.
Medical Matters
It's not unusual for both men and women to experience sexual problems in their latter years, but many of these issues can be easily fixed,
You’re Never Too Old…
It probably won't be as rollicking as it was in the Woodstock days, but most of us should be able to enjoy a healthy sex life right into our eighties, writes ROBYN YOUSEF