If you are distressed by your relationships, then you need to change the way in which you react to the behaviour of others. If you hold a belief that you will only be happy when the other person changes, it's time to get real.
Mind & Emotions
Ron Tustin – Passion? What Passion?
"Nothing great in the world has been accomplished without passion." - Hegel.
Denise Corlett – Is your personality your biggest attraction factor?
When I speak to women, aged anywhere between late 20's and into the 60's then certain aspects of a man's personality do rate highly.
Are you afraid to Date?
Eloise divorced eight years ago and wants to meet someone. She researches new classes and activities, ...
Eight Keys to Lasting Love
Article by Dr. Linda Miles (Ph.D.). My granddaughter, Merritt Miles, at five years old, was the ...
Eugene Moreau – Being Focused (Part 1)
Part 1 of Eugene's series "Defeating the Enemy Called Average"
Ron Tustin – “What Shall We Do For a Change?”
"For true success ask yourself these four questions: Why? Why not? Why not me? Why not now?"
Mynda Mansfield – Close the Gap between Vision and Action!
Human beings are complicated creatures. Graced with the gift of 'free will' we have the innate ability to choose to change, grow and evolve.
Perfectionist or High Achiever
"Art knows no limit, and the artists will never achieve perfection." - Bente Borsum
Finding Love After 50
Most of us, once we reach a certain point in life, stop going to a certain type of place, namely: singles bars. So what are your other options for meeting someone new?