Barbie’s Bill is a petition that looks to give us more choice and control over our care and future should a health crisis happen.
Health & Wellbeing
Ten tips to transition to a gluten-free Mediterranean diet
A gluten-free Mediterranean diet may provide benefits such as improved gut health, reduced inflammation, and lowered risk of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and certain cancers.
Smart Tips: Managing Meds at Home, and Away
If you’re managing your own medications at home (and possibly your partner’s as well), there’s room for error if you’re not careful.
How Music Helped me Cope with Cancer
A diagnosis of cancer is devastating in itself, but living long-term with cancer in this way brings with it an enormous emotional strain.
Hair Care for Seniors
As we age, our bodies change – and that includes our hair. That’s why we asked a trusted hair stylist, experienced at working with senior clients, for her advice.
Living Alone? Maintain your Nutritional Independence
For seniors living alone, it pays to think ahead. With some smart planning, you can be well nourished while saving your energy for the pastimes you really enjoy.
Seniors in Summer – How to Turn Down the Heat!
If you’re suffering from heat related problems, check with your GP or try the following to stave off the effects on your body, of rising summer temperatures.
How to Get the Best From Your GP
Securing a GP appointment is becoming more and more difficult at the moment. That’s why, once you have you foot in the door, it pays to be prepared so you can make the most of the time you do have with your doctor.
What can we do to improve our health?
While there are some non-modifiable risk factors that determine our risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes, there are several non-modifiable risk factors we can change to reduce our health risk.
Looking After Yourself when Caring for Someone with Dementia
If you are a caregiver of a loved one with dementia, it’s more important than ever you take care of yourself.