Do your eyes ever suffer from a gritty, sandy sensation? If so, you may be suffering ...
Conditions related to 50+ health wellbeing.
Rheumatoid Arthritis
There are more than 100 different kinds of arthritis. Most of them involve inflammation. Read here about a number of different types of inflammatory arthritis.
Treatments for Diverticulitis
Description Some people develop multiple small pouches in the lining of their intestines (usually in the ...
The Rotator Muscle
The rotator muscle is the most common cause of shoulder pain. This is a group of ...
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Osteoporosis Can Strike at Thirty. Although osteoporosis is known to appear especially on older people, the ...
Lindsey Dawson – Midlife Role Reversals – Alzheimers
We spend all our lives looking up at our parents, and then slowly, our roles change. Now that so many 'oldies' are living such long lives, many middle-aged offspring are finding out how dementia, or Alzheimer's, re-forges family roles and pushes their p
Food secrets – for Arthritis
The term “arthritis” is derived from the Greek… “arthron” meaning joint… and “it is” meaning inflammation. ...
Common Symptoms of Gum Disease and Treatments
Gum diseases or rather periodontal diseases refer to the growth of bacteria which will lead to the destruction of tissues that are around and essentially support the teeth.
Deaf Awareness
Here is a serious message that needs to be heard by our children, grandchildren and possibly even ourselves!