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Matua Retirement Village

Work & Business

Career Tips

Your career is a defining element in your life – whether you’ve worked at the same job for ...

Part Time Careers

It seems contradictory to say many retired men and women are looking for jobs. The idea of retirement ...

How To Get A Good Job After 50

Being interviewed for a job by someone half your age can be confronting; as can starting over in the job market. However, job search expert Rupert French has written a great book for anyone over the age of 50 who is debating a change of career, either as

New Jobs Over 50

Would you like a new job? Do you need a fresh start? Do you feel a little daunted about the prospect of joining the employment market over the age of 50?

Tips for LinkedIn

If you're on LinkedIn, or are thinking about going on there, the social network is a great way to reconnect with colleagues and friends, and find professional opportunities.

Janis Grummitt – Working Beyond 50

Many of us hope to continue working for many years after we reach 50. Although our brains have started to slow down and cut back, our minds have, paradoxically, developed the capacity for wisdom.

Just the Job

Recession, redunancy and dodgy finance companies have put many older New Zealanders back into the job market, and as Donna Fleming writes, it can be a pretty tricky place to be.