Find out more from our Legal Expert Terry Carson
Wills, Trusts & Asset Protection
Safeguarding Your Assets
The 10 largest verdicts in 2008 to individual plaintiffs totalled a record breaking $2.8 billion, including ...
Privatise Your Life Using Asset Protection Strategy
To develop an effective asset protection strategy, you need to understand what can put you at ...
Financial help for your rest home and hospital care
Moving from your home into long-term rest home or hospital care is a big change. If you need long-term residential care, you may be eligible for a Residential Care Subsidy that provides financial help towards your costs.
How a Trust or Estate Starts
To create a trust, a person (the settlor) gives money or property to another person (the ...
Types of Trusts
Complying trusts (formerly qualifying trusts) A complying trust is one which has been taxed in New ...
What Is Intellectual Property?
Intellectual property (IP) is a generic term for the range of property rights accorded for the ...
Trusts – Compliance is an issue
We have all witnessed the growth in Trust usage over the last decade. The use of ...
The Trouble with Trusts
Family trust expert Mark Maxwell is so concerned about the number of dodgy trusts operating in New Zealand that he's written a book, Trusts - A Kiwi Sham?
Recent Cases Prove Trusts Can Be a Trap for the Unwary
Guardian Trust General Counsel Chris Kelly warns the setting up and operation of family trusts can ...