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Money-Saving Nappies

Infants have the distinction of being expensive at both end of the plumbing system, so in true oily-rag pioneering spirit the Oily Rag Research Department has ventured into the vexed question of "disposable vs washable nappies?"

Xmas Thinking

We reckon with a little bit of planning oily raggers can avoid the Christmas panic and take the pain out of your purse. Here are some tips from readers.

Winter Gardening

Those living off the smell of an oily rag are usually keen gardeners, because fresh is best and it's a great way to save money. So let's head off into the oily rag garden, just to show it's never too cold to go gardening!

Having a Good Haggle

t's great to see retailers are catching on to the oily rag way of doing things by being prepared to haggle over price. The truth is the retail price on big ticket items is always negotiable, but you need to ask.

The Mailbags Are Full of Great Tips

Last week we received an emergency phone call. It was the lovely lady at NZ Post. Desperate, she was - "Can you PLEASE come and clear your mail box. Oily Rag mail has overflowed onto the floor and is piled up to the ceiling!"

Holiday Feasts and Fun

Its holiday time, which for many is about sharing, caring, and food. Food usually plays a major part in the festive conviviality's and social engagements so our thoughts once again turned to ways to entertain family and friends with frugality and fun.