Get your grey matter fired up with these riddles. Answers are below.
1.How many months have 28 days?
2. Two fathers and two sons walk into a candy shop and each something for 50c, but only spend $1.50 – how is that possible?
3. Railroad crossing without any cars – can you spell that without and r’s?
4. What is brown and sticky?
5. A truck driver is going opposite traffic on a one way street. A police officer sees him but doesn’t stop him – why?
6. Which side of a cat has the most fur?
7. I am very easy to get into, but it is hard to get out of me. What am I?
8. A king, a queen and two twins lie in a room, how are there no adults?
9. What kind of room has no doors or windows?
10. I turn into a different story. What am I?
Answers. 1. 12 – every month has 28 days 2. One grandfather, one father and one son make two fathers and two sons 3. T.H.A.T 4. A stick 5. The truck driver was walking 6. The outside 7. Trouble 8. They are all beds 9. A mushroom 10. A spiral staircase
airj73193 - 9 years ago
More please