Too Much Stress

Too Much Stress

Stress gets a lot of bad press, but it really just refers to when our physical and mental resources are put to the test. The first weeks and months at home with a new baby will typically push parents to the edge of their ability to cope as the demands on the body and mind are huge at this time.

A lack of sleep, coping with the changes to your body and life, and the responsibility of raising a child can weigh heavily on mums, and dads too.

Be realistic about where your limits are. If you know that you’re being pushed past your ability to cope in any way, then there are two options. Either limit the demands on yourself (which is pretty hard to do where a new baby is concerned), or get more help.

If you can’t see where the help would come from, then at least talk to someone. A family member, a friend, your GP or Plunket nurse – ask them to help you get the support you need.