Speed Through The Airport

11431 airportsec
11431 airportsec

airport secGoing on a trip is a thrill. It is exciting to book a ticket, pack a bag and take off to parts unknown, or your favourite holiday spot.

Airports however, can put a dampener on your trip. Terrorists have had a huge impact on air travel, and it’s easy to feel like you are paying for their sins while you go through multiple security checks.

Waiting in line doesn’t bring out the best in most people, so do your best to keep the line moving steadily.

Keep your hand luggage to a minimum. Not only will it save carrying a heavy bag, it will also make clearing customs a breeze.

– Make sure your carry on bag is clean. If you take food with you on the plane, it will need to be disposed of before you clear customs at your destination. Keep any snacks you are taking with you in one plastic bag, so they are easily binned on your way out.

– Keep any toiletries in travel sized containers and in one clear zip lock plastic bag. It’s great to disembark feeling fresh, so invest in travel sized (less than 100ml) dedorant, wet wipes, hand cream, toothpaste etc). Have this bag at the top of your carry on luggage so it is easily accessible – it needs to be scanned outside your carry-on bag. It wastes your and other people’s time if you stand rummaging around at the scanner. Your laptop/tablet and phone also need to be scanned separately and may need to be started up, so travel with them in sleep/airplane mode so they can be opened efficiently.

– Pack spare clothing and items that can stay in the carry-on luggage at the bottom of the bag.

– Weigh and measure your carry on bag before you clear security. Airlines have strict regulations designed for safety and do not take kindly to people trying to bend the rules. Standing and arguing only holds up other passengers.

– Wear comfortable clothing without too many metal accessories. Flying needn’t be a fashion show. If you can, wear slip on shoes that can be taken off and put on swiftly, and don’t have metal buckles and studs to set off metal detectors. The same goes for belts, jackets and jewellery.

– Some countries (e.g. the USA) often require you to remove these items at a security check, which can take up a lot of time, so plan ahead.

– Have all your paperwork, visas, passports etc ready to go and easily accessible and take a pen that works! A travel wallet is a good idea to keep all your papers together. Make sure it fits safely in your carry-on bag, but can be found quickly.

– Check your luggage for prohibited items – it is amazing how often nail scissors or small sharp object can be left in a spare pocket in a bag. Make sure you are not taking dangerous items through an airport – it is not worth the delay or bother!

– If you are stuck in a line for an extended period of time, try to be patient. Chances are, everyone is feeling a bit frustrated and griping or complaining won’t make things go any faster. Staff at airports must follow procedures to the letter, they are not trying to be difficult and keep you waiting. In a stressful situation, good manners and patience are invaluable.

– Security is a serious business. You may think it’d be funny to joke about bombs or weapons, but in some instances, any comment about such things must be followed up through official channels. Save the jokes for another time.

– If you are travelling with someone who needs special assistance, specify it at the time of booking and give yourself extra time to check in and clear security. Do your best to minimise the wait for people behind you in line by having as much ready to go as you can.

Happy travels!