Skydiving can be great fun - but this is one of the nearest misses ever! Time to buy a lottery ticket perhaps?
Tag: Videos
[Video] An Unlikely Group of Friends
What an unlikely collection of creatures getting along just fine!
[Video] Seniors Living Their Best Life
These clips from America's Funniest Home Videos show that you really never need to grow up!
[Video] Babies Going Through Tunnels
This is a guaranteed-giggle clip. Feel free to try this at home (or in your nearest tunnel!)
[Video] Street Artist’s Three Minute Paintings
This street artist uses his fingers at lightning speed to create beautiful pictures
[Video] Gabe The Bulldog
Winner of the World Fido Awards, Gabe the Bulldog performs his tricks
[Video] He Is The Greatest
Muhammed Ali is the Greatest - as a boxer and an orator. Here are some of his finest quotes, all edited together.
[Video] 25,000 Dominoes
If you've ever been a dominoes fan, prepare to be amazed!
[Video] Roger Federer Smashes Comedy
It's tennis season - and here's one of the best, Roger Federer, hamming it up a little, rather than being his cool calm self.
[Video] A New Breed Of Ball Boys
Attention tennis fans: here are a whole new breed of ball boys!