When my parents died, my three brothers and my sister and I lost our main point of connection with each other. We spread out over the globe. Our life stories headed in different directions, and we lost contact.
Tag: Parenting
Alcohol and Teens
It's not often you'd say that a Health Promotion Agency video is great but there's an excellent new one showing a Dad trying to act cool at his teenage kids party. Doing weird dance moves and pranks and giving kids alcohol.
Ramble On
Entertaining children without the aid of devices, toys and considerable expense can present a challenge. Without direction, many kids are happier to be entertained than to entertain themselves.
Tips for Top Scholars
Here are few little tips to keep your kids on track for a Rhodes Scholarship:
Whiney Kids
"Would you please stop your child from doing that";
How To Love Your Teenager
It is easy enough to love babies. Even when they're puking down the back of your shirt, they are inherently lovable. But they grow… it can be a lot harder to love adolescents.
Roll In To Bed
Relax. You are a parent, not the entertainment officer on a cruise liner.
Information Overload Explained
Having a new baby can be hard work (to say the least), and many new parents are overwhelmed with hordes of information from the get-go!
Viral Terror
There's been a viral video making the rounds which shows a man conducting what he calls a social experiment in playgrounds and parks. He asks mothers who are watching their young children whether they think their children would go off with a stranger. Inv
Advice To Make Good Boys Great Men
Men are their own creatures and teaching a boy to become a man is a lifetime's work. There are so many things men are supposed to 'be,' but they all need to be taught.