Potatoes are thought to date back about 2500 years and been a staple for many civilisations. The good thing about spuds is that they cost next to nothing to grow and are cheap to buy.
Tag: Oily Rag
Tomato Sauce… A Cleaner?
We receive lots of letters from readers sharing their low cost cleaning formulas and concoctions but we have come across an excellent summary produced by Bin Inn,
Bad Debt and Very Bad Debt
Debt is unfortunately an all too common problem that affects everyone: individuals, households, businesses, local authorities, and governments. But never fear, help is near! Here are some oily rag ways of getting out of debt.
The Beer Essentials
The personnel at the Oily Rag Research Department donned white coats and, with clip board in hand, ventured forth on a quest to find the cheapest way of buying beer.
Exploding Ketchup and Other Titbits
You have sent in so many interesting penny-pinching tips lately that we thought we would share as many as space allows.
Recycled Products
Oily raggers are a creative bunch. There is no limit to their imagination when it comes to putting other people's junk to good use.
Shopping Personalities
In this column we are going to depart from our normal selection of new money saving tips for the frugal minded, to announce an important new shopping psyche discovery.
Money Making Fun
People say times are challenging, and for some they are, but it's moments like these that the oily rag pioneering spirit of frugality, thrift and adventure is reawakened
Simply Sausage
Lots of people are writing in with recipes so we thought we would show that something as simple as the humble sausage can be made into a tasty delight.
How Loyal Should You Be To Loyalty Programs?
Oily raggers love something for nothing. It's no surprise then that they should be tempted by the various loyalty programs on offer. But how good are these programs? Are they really something for nothing or is there a catch?