From time to time GrownUps features in the media...
Tag: Media
How to Market to Baby Boomers Online
If you think that the Internet is a young person's phenomenon, consider this: Both Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, titans of the personal computer era, were both born in 1955, smack in the middle of the Baby Boom. And Al Gore? Born in 1948. 'Nuff said.
Who’s Buying All Those iPads? Boomers Become Earlier Tech Adopters Every Year
Of all the articles written since his death at 56, I haven't seen anyone point out that the products he designed were always as successful among people Jobs' age (other Boomers like him) as with those younger than himself.
Adults 55+ Click More Online Ads
Adults 55+ click online ads more than younger demos, per audience research and measurement company Crowd Science.
Mature Consumers Use Tech
Mature consumers around the globe are using technology at high rates, according to the A.T. Kearney Global Maturing Consumer Study.
Boomers Face STI Increase
Their kids might not like to think about it, but baby boomers are having more sex and - like the young - face increasing risks of sexually transmissible infections (STIs).
Baby Boomers Feeding Money Into Online Sales
Who knew? Baby Boomers have become more comfortable with technology and have begun to spend money online. In fact, lots of it. More than 70% of consumers ages 45 to 55 made an online purchase in the past three months.
The New Grandparent: Younger, Richer, More Giving
Today's grandparents aren't the thrifty geezers most marketers think they are, according to the latest research from Metropolitan Life. The majority are working-age Baby Boomers between 45 and 64, and they're spending lavishly.
Number of Baby Boomers Using Social Networking Sites Grows by 60%
The number of adults using social media sites increased to 65%, according to a report from a new national survey by the Pew Research Centre's Internet & American Life Project.