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Tag: Health Food

Macadamias for Good Health!

Aotea Macadamias is owned and operated run by husband and wife team Tom and Sylvienne McClelland. This is a story of the good life - great dedication, passion and a genuine love of natural living.

Super foods: tomatoes

Tomatoes are one of the richest sources of lycopene, the potent age-defying antioxidant that gives fruit and vegetables their red colour.

Baked Beans, Nature’s Superfood

New Zealanders munch their way through an average of 2.6 kilograms of baked beans per head each year but few would realise the true nutritional benefits of this 'super food'.

Eat More Beans

According to new dietary guidelines in the USA, we all need to eat more beans - up to 3 cups each week! The US FSA (Food and Drug Administration) has also approved a health claim...

Hungry at work?

Do you hit mid morning or afternoon, get the munchies and go racing off to the nearest vending machine for a quick fix?