Time and time again, business courses, workshops, general media and people are going on about using Social Media for business.
Tag: Eva Maria
Teen Suicide
It's a sad thought that our dear country has this kind of history that keeps repeating itself, but there are definitely some sound ways parents and relatives can make the growing up years a little easier.
Social Networking: Our Future?
Social Networking has grown exponentially. Although some of my entries are to do with the young people of today, I think there are many parallels between the online world and the way younger generations are growing up .
The London Riot’s Tipping Point
The recent London riots have caused a lot of controversy and speculation from the world, focusing on a small suburb in the capital. Without
Entrepreneur School
Recently on my travel adventures, I came across a very low-decile community. I got the opportunity to tour around the high school in the town, but it was heart breaking to see and hear the young people's perception of what the future involved.
Google Plus – the Future…?
Recently, I've been bombarded by invitations to join the Google Plus social network. What are your thoughts?
Boom, Boom, Boom… the Inevitable Headache of Teen Parties
At one point or another, as a parent or even relative, you're likely to stumble across the inevitable question, issue, or perhaps joy of teenage parties.
Turning 21 – Give Us Hope
The inevitable happened at the end of July. I turned into an adult. Oh gosh.
My Generation – Generation SMART
The term Generation SMART is one I've coined over the past couple of years and it covers the 15 to 25 year olds of the world.
2am the New Midnight
A common problem the average parent (or even grandparent involved in teens lives) is likely to come across is the timely issue of youth growing up too quickly.