When is a person old?
Tag: Agewell
Shifting Beliefs as We Age
How did you think about life when you were twenty? How do you think about life now that you are older?
Just Keep On Keeping On
Work brought Liz Chinnery to Nelson about twenty years ago. Now sixty nine and retired, she says "every day I pull back the curtains, look outside and say yay, another day! Any day is a good day in Nelson."
Make Use of Every Opportunity
Dorothy's motto - "Just accept things and go on. Do what you can and get on with it!"
Longevity Secrets
Read more from Agewell. By Mike Milstein Miles Hursthouse lived in Hastings until, at 16, he ...
Life is about Affirming Others
Born in 1931, Ann Newton grew up in war time England. A structured life taught Ann discipline, how to get along with other people and how to deal well with life's challenges.
Gardening Your Way to Well Being
Gill Vergine and her partner Gary left Britain for New Zealand in 1997. They decided Nelson was where they wanted to settle partly because they "enjoyed coming to a climate where you can grow such a wide range of wonderful plants".
Want to Age Consciously? Get Out The Door
You probably have seen the bust of Eelco Boswijk, Nelson icon, on Trafalgar, just north of Selwyn Place.
Resilient Aging (Book)
My book, Resilient Aging, has just been published and I wanted to let you know about it. I've attached a flyer that includes a cover picture and a brief description of the book.
Older People Were Just Like Us Once
What's it like to be a teenager who spends a lot of time with older people?