What a terribly sad few weeks it has been with the passing of Sir Paul Holmes, Kevin Black, and now Phillip Leishman.
All these broadcasters had reached a time in their lives where they should be sitting back and reaping the benefit of long hours and hard work. Life does seem cruel when people are taken too soon.
It is times like this we need to stop and take a good look at our own lives and what is really important. None of us know what tomorrow is going to bring so it's today we need to focus on.
I really feel you should not put off important decisions whether they are big or small. These opportunities can be taken from us all too quickly. I lost my only brother who was a pilot, far too young. He had so much to live for and it broke my heart to lose him. He had so many plans for retirement and sadly he was unable to realise them.
Life can be all too short. It really is precious and we should not take it for granted. We need to take time to just stop and smell the flowers. Look at the clouds. Do what you want to do.
The washing can wait, the everyday chores that are always there can wait, and the family can wait for dinner. Everyone is in such a rush these days to get things done. People work longer hours and often for the same money. What for really? Is it just to be in favour with the boss or is it we feel we need to be on top of our work before we leave the building. Often the harder we work the less thanks we seem to get. Appreciation seems to be lacking these days.
I don't want to put things off that I want to do. I have worked hard all my life and now both my husband and I are in our sixties it is time we focused on the things we want to do and what makes us happy. My husband works in retail and has Wednesday and Thursday off for his weekend. To some people that may sound horrible but for us it's great. We get to do things when it's not so busy, spend time with our three year old grandson, and we seem to have more time just to be together.
None of us are indestructible. We all have an expiry date, so enjoy every moment of your life. Make it full and happy, and make sure you have special memories to keep for the rest of your life.
By Kay Rayner
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