The Joy of Collaboration: Co-Writing a Kids’ Chapter Book

The Joy of Collaboration

Elemental Heroes: Hydrogen Showdown by Chrissy Metge and Karen McMillan, Duckling Publishing, RRP $19.99

When I first embarked on the journey of writing a kids’ chapter book, the idea was sparked by a moment of inspiration with my son. At just five years old, he came up with the concept after we read a children’s book on the Periodic Table. We began to explore what the elements could look like as characters, imagining their unique personalities and powers. Together, we built out a world map, with my son envisioning the ideal landscapes each element would want to live in. This creative exploration naturally led us to develop heroes and imagine the forces that could challenge these elemental beings.

While I had a clear vision of the story we wanted to tell, with characters sketched out and the plot having some solid foundations, I knew the narrative could benefit from another perspective. That’s when Karen came into the picture, and what started as a family-inspired project quickly evolved into a rewarding collaboration that brought unexpected depth and joy to the writing process.

The Power of Two Creative Minds

Collaborating with Karen on this project was a revelation. Writing can often be a solitary endeavour, filled with moments of doubt and second-guessing. However, with Karen as my co-writer, those moments turned into opportunities for discussion and innovation. Having someone to bounce ideas off was like having a sounding board that not only echoed back but also amplified and enriched the concepts.

Our brainstorming sessions were particularly invigorating. We would throw ideas back and forth, challenging each other to think beyond the obvious and delve deeper into the characters’ motivations and the story’s underlying themes. Karen’s insights often led to plot twists and character developments I would never have thought of on my own. This collaborative exchange not only enhanced the story but also made the process more dynamic and enjoyable.

The Creative Flow of Collaboration

One of the most significant advantages of working with a co-writer is the creativity that emerges from collaboration. Writing with Karen meant that when one of us hit a creative block, the other often had just the right idea or solution to keep things moving. This synergy kept the project on track, even during those inevitable moments of writer’s block.

Our strengths complemented each other in ways that enriched the story. While I focused on developing the characters, building the world they inhabited, and defining their mission, Karen expanded the story by adding layers of complexity and excitement. She excelled at crafting authentic dialogue and vividly described scenes, bringing the world and its inhabitants to life. Our combined skills created a balanced and compelling narrative neither of us could have achieved alone.

The Teamwork Behind the Scenes

Behind every great collaborative effort is a foundation of teamwork and trust. Karen and I established a workflow that played to our strengths and allowed us to work efficiently without stepping on each other’s toes. We set clear goals and deadlines, divided tasks based on our respective skills, and communicated openly about our ideas and concerns.

This level of organization was crucial in ensuring the project stayed on track and both our voices were represented equally in the final product. Trusting each other’s judgment and being open to compromise were essential elements of our successful partnership. When differences of opinion arose, we approached them as opportunities for creative exploration rather than obstacles.

The Joy of Collaboration

In the end, co-writing this kids’ chapter book with Karen was one of the most fulfilling creative experiences I’ve ever had. The joy of collaboration comes not only from the final product but from the process itself—the shared moments of inspiration, the collective problem-solving, and the mutual support that turned a daunting task into a delightful adventure. This journey was made even more special by the involvement of my son, whose initial idea sparked the entire project and whose imagination helped shape the world we created.

Collaboration, I’ve learned, is not just about working together but about blending talents, perspectives, and passions to create something greater than the sum of its parts. Writing this book with Karen—and seeing my son’s ideas come to life—was a reminder that creativity thrives in community, and the best stories are often those born out of shared dreams and teamwork.

As we prepare to share our book with young readers, I’m filled with gratitude for the journey we’ve taken together. The experience has not only deepened my respect for the art of collaboration but also reinforced the belief that the joy of creating is multiplied when shared with a kindred spirit. And that, perhaps, is the greatest lesson of all.

Elemental HeroesFind out more about Elemental Heroes: Hydrogen Showdown here