Connect with your grandkids in a Digital World

Kids are still being kids – but now it’s online!

20 years ago, to connect with your grandkids you could build doll-houses, have tea parties, kick balls around, and get into the Lego. But these days? All kids seem to be doing is playing on devices!

The good news is once you get through all the technology, you’ll realise what they’re into is actually not too dissimilar to those analogue games – they’re just doing them virtually.

With insight into what your grandkids are doing on those iPads and laptops, it’s an easy step to pick up a device of your own, and share in their interests!

Here’s what your grandkids are getting up to online.

They’re using social media

Social media can be just like hanging around with the next-door-neighbours kids, only online. Social sites let kids and teens chat via their devices. While lots of the bigger social sites have age restrictions – you must be over 13 to join Facebook for example – younger kids are using other sites with no restrictions, such as Whatsapp, which lets kids message friends – like texting – but it’s free. Tik Tok lets kids share short videos, and Instagram is all about photos! Snapchat is declining in popularity, but kids and teens are still using it – they can send photos and videos with a viewing time limit. Once the time is up, recipients can’t view them anymore.

How to get involved – find out which social sites your grandkids are using and open your own profile. They might even enjoy helping you set it up! Then you can keep in touch with your grandkids on their terms.

They’re building worlds  

Some of the most popular online games are ones where kids build their own worlds. These are called ‘sandbox games’ – think about them as the digital version of Lego or blocks. The kids build characters and environments, and can roam around completing challenges with friends. Minecraft is still holding its position at the top of popularity charts, but Roblox and Fortnite Creative are also up there.

How to get involved – if you enjoyed building and playing with physical worlds – train sets, doll-houses, sandcastles – you’ll love sandbox games. Get your own profile and have a play. Once you’re up to speed, you’ll be able to play alongside your grandkids, or at the very least have something to talk about over dinner!

They’re going on (virtual) adventures

Those traditional video games are still there – they’re just online! Fortnite and Plants vs Zombies are extremely popular with the younger crowd, while younger teens are into League of Legends, World of Warcraft or Realm Royale.

How to get involved – While spacie parlours might never have been your thing, you might be surprised at how much strategy and planning are involved in these games. Find out what your grandkids are into, and get involved – you might get to play with them, or even unlock a new hobby of your own!

Get tech, and get involved

While the things your grandkids are doing – hanging with friends, building things and having adventures – are pretty much the same as kids have always done, the reality is they’re now doing a lot of it online. This means to connect with your grandkids, you’ll need to get up to speed with how the latest technology and gadgets work.

Many of these platforms are designed to be easy to use, but if you’re finding the whole thing bewildering, don’t give up, just ask your grandkids for help. The key is to be open to learning and enjoy the new ways your grandkids are playing and connecting. Happy bonding!