At a remote monastery deep in the woods, the monks followed a rigid vow of silence. This vow could only be broken once a year on Christmas, by one monk, and the monk could speak only one sentence.
One Christmas, Brother Thomas had his turn to speak and said, “I love the delightful mashed potatoes we have every year with the Christmas roast!” Then he sat down. Silence ensued for 365 days.
The next Christmas, Brother Michael got his turn, and said, “I think the mashed potatoes are lumpy and I truly despise them!” Once again, silence ensued for 365 days.
The following Christmas, Brother Paul rose and said, “I am fed up with this constant bickering!”
grah025 - 14 years ago
Paddy is driving home one night after spending an evening in the pub and is weaving all over the road.
A cop pulls him over. ‘So, Paddy,’ asks the cop, ‘ where have you been?’
“I’ve been to the pub,” slurs Paddy.
‘It looks as if your’ve had quite a bit to drink?’ says the cop.
“I did all right.” Says Paddy, with a smile.
‘Did you know that a few intersections back your wife fell out of the car?’ said the cop standing up straight.
“Good heavens,” sighs Paddy, “For a minute there I thought I had gone deaf!!”