Joke of the Day

A man finds an old brass lamp on the beach. It’s very sandy, so he picks it up and rubs it.

Wouldn’t you know, it starts to emit a plume of multicoloured smoke and a genie appears. The genie says “For freeing me from this lamp I offer you 3 w…”

The man cuts him off “I know, I know, 3 wishes! My first wish is to have $200 billion dollars, free and clear, in the bank.”

The genie says “It shall be as you wish, but you did not let me finish. In order to dissuade you from making greedy and selfish wishes, whatever you wish for, your worst enemy will receive it twice over.”

“Oh, that’s just fine! Now I’m wealthy, I no longer have ill will toward my enemy. In fact for my second wish, I wish that when I die, my enemy will get half my estate!”

“Well that is indeed very generous, I’m so happy such a kind and generous person found my lamp. What is your third wish?”

“My third wish comes out of a strong regret and sorrow for my earlier life choices and treatment of others. As punishment, I wish to be beaten half to death.”