Don’t Let Age Define What You Wear!

Don’t Let Age Define What You Wear

Shorts are one of our most versatile summer clothing items, yet women (and men) so often feel they’re a no-go item once they reach a ‘certain age.’ If this sounds like you, let us change your mind with these ‘look-great-in-shorts’ tips, below!

We all have a favourite dress-length because we know it suits us. Which is why your first choice of short should reflect this same length. If you’re an ‘on or just-below-the-knee’ girl, opt for Bermuda shorts. If you like your calf covered, head for a capri-style.

Rear views count – and nothing looks worse from behind than a too-tight or too-loose short. When trying on shorts, take a good look at the rear view – if the fit is comfortable without clinging or sagging, you’re good to go!

Sit down in a pair of shorts before you buy them. Some shorts ride up way higher than you would like, or ‘gape’ where you’d rather they didn’t! Test drive before you purchase!

Linen loves an older person – and takes on a whole new formal look when you dress it up with a blazer. Don’t be afraid to add in a handbag (big is best, ladies), or a man-bag.

Denim – yes – but make it stretch! Denim loves an older leg, but has a tendency to ride up whenever you walk. Look for a denim short with a little built-in stretch and you’ll feel so much more confident and comfortable.

Unless a woman is heading out into the garden, she should think twice about donning a loose tee to go with her shorts. Little else is less flattering. If you want loose, opt for a floaty top or tailored button-up instead.

Cargo shorts? We think you should save them for around the house! They add extra bulk to waist and legs, and often fit poorly.

Exercise doesn’t count when it comes to shorts – the very fact you’re out there walking, biking, or running means you can wear what you like and still know you look great!

Footwear is everything when it comes to women wearing shorts, and while sneakers are comfy, you can make your whole outfit look that little bit more classy by choosing a sneaker with a slightly raised sole. If you’re opting for sandals, a low heel dresses up shorts to perfection.

You use concealer on your face, so why wouldn’t you do the same on your legs! Blur the sunspots and spider-web veins  with a wipe of concealer, and reach for the artificial tan to disguise any crepey skin you’re not comfortable with.

Tops can tip the balance – if you’re wanting to draw attention away from your bare legs, dress with bright tops, or a piece of classy (or stand-out costume) jewellery. A great haircut, makeup, hat, and tote-bag have the same effect!

Attention men! If you’re unsure about a length – stick with on-the-knee. It’s a flattering length regardless of age. Go for a tailored look and dress it up with a quality collar-shirt and panama hat, or go all-out casual with denim, open short-sleeved shirt over a tee, and cap.

Sun glasses maketh the man – shorts play second fiddle to a pair of quality sun glasses, so invest in the best!

Hey, gentlemen, socks are OK with shorts (just don’t make them knee-highs or you’ll be back in the ‘70’s). Calf length always looks good, especially in white, with a white sneaker. Even better, why not skip the socks and go bare-foot in a loafer?

Don’t skip shorts this summer – and if you want to look your best, take time over the choices you make!