“I promise if you keep searching for everything beautiful in this world
you will eventually become it”
– Tyler Kent White
“I promise if you keep searching for everything beautiful in this world
you will eventually become it”
– Tyler Kent White
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We are very pleased to be giving away four double passes for the new movie 'The Last Journey' to our GrownUps members.
Mary Patterson - 8 years ago
some more thoughts on Beauty…hope you enjoy this…
There’s a world of beauty around us for free
Just biding time for us to see,
From the Creator so much to share,
Come on, liven up and be aware…
Seek for soft beauty… everywhere…
Enjoy the sweet fragrance of a flower
And cradle it softly in your hand
Touch its cool silken petals upon your face
Or crush a pungent herb,
Caress and smell a freshly picked fruit,
Feel leaves on a tree…shiny and smooth
Or soft and velvety;
Maybe just for fun, go HUG that tree.
List’ to the poignant trill of a tiny bird…
So glorious it’s song, a joy to be heard.
Enjoy the purr of a smooching cat…imagine that!
Look into the soulful eyes of a trusting dog,
That moist nose pushing, “come on let’s jog!”
Hear children laughing as they play,
A baby’s gurgle brightening the day,
or someone whistling a catchy tune.
Inhale the smell of just cut grass,
or wood smoke drifting
on the breeze, or the mangroves tang…
Hear the noisy screech of a gull swooping wide
And the endless swish…swish… of the restless tide;
Feel the silky sand between your toes
Use your senses…anything goes.
Feel a sharp icy wind tossing through your hair,
Or the fire in your lungs as you breathe in deep.
Too, the golden sun shining warm on your face.
Stretching out on the shimmery grass
Peer to the distant arc of the sky
See cotton-wool clouds drifting by
And as you gaze way up into space,
You’ll seem far, far from this place…
See a graceful/pretty butterfly
Gliding and spiraling, dancing by.
Look for twinkling stars and the silvery moon,
Playing hide and seek with mischievous clouds…
And when one CAN’T, just do these things
Use your imagination…see what it brings.
Or pretend to be … Just what you’d like to be!
AND if you’re hurting…think a prayer
To your Creator to strengthen you there,
And perhaps… to gentle your care…
Think about a beautiful thing…
Help your heart again to sing…
Make another feel worthwhile
Just by giving away a smile…
How much more can YOU think of…?
Given from our Creator for us with love
Come on liven up! Be aware…
Of simple things…yet…
Beauty and wonder… anywhere. © Mary Patterson 2015