The interest in tantra is growing as men and women look to increase the connection and pleasure of the sexual connection.
A good sex life it the basis of a great relationship: In fact, one reason many women nag and are critical of their partner is the fact that they are not taken deep into their erotic and orgasmic energy.
Tantra is an ageless tradition that came from India thousands of years ago. Many of the tantra teachings are now being validated by modern research. For example female ejaculation was mentioned thousands of years ago.
The porn industry teaches men a very masculine approach to sexuality. The fact is that most women do not like this unconnected, high friction approach in lovemaking. How often do you see the actors make eye contact in porn? How often do you see any love or connection during porn? This style of lovemaking, using high friction (and sometimes aggression) makes both men and women less sensitive to their deeper orgasmic and erotic states.
If a man uses this porn style of lovemaking it is little wonder that after a year or so, her partner will switch off her sexuality and loser her desire for sex.
What are some tantra principles to improve your lovemaking?
The first is to forget about orgasm but just be more present in your body and breath. Most men are too goal orientated and miss the connection and energy flows.
Another tantra principle is to relax and relax more. Any tension in the body will hinder the energy flow between the lovers. Developing the ability to have high erotic energy and totally relaxed is the key to developing multiple orgasmic experiences for both men and women. Men can learn to have orgasms with no ejaculation and no loss of energy and connection. Once he learns this, he can be present and make love for hours. This allows his partner to enter much deeper orgasmic states.
The third principle is to allow your focus to be on your breath and deepen and slow down the breath. This allows more energy to flow and it also helps a man not to come too soon. The breath can also be used as a way of going back into your body and getting away from thoughts or fantasy.
Have fun trying these simple tantra principles the next time you make love.
Article by Maurice Tate
- 12 years ago
What a load of nonsense