“Stress is the trash of modern life – we all generate it but if you don’t dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.” – Danzae Pace
What is common to us all is that we lead lives that have a certain amount of stress. And at times it may seem as if it captures our entire attention, and therefore drains our positive energy and takes us away from a lot of what we are trying to achieve.
As our lives become more and more complex, finding calmness and inner peace becomes more like trying to find an oasis in the desert. So here are some suggestions that may be helpful to experience greater peace and relaxation as well as disconnect from our hectic daily routines.
Accept What Is
There is only so much we can affect. What we cannot change, what we cannot influence, need not concern us. It has been said that most of the time (about 80% of the time) we focus and linger on things we have no control over. The point here is why worry about something that all the worrying in the world will not change?
Quieting the Mind
Meditation, as well as practices such as yoga and other forms of exercise, are great ways of quieting the mind. Meditating or other forms of relaxation for just 10 minutes a day can have an enormous impact in all areas of our lives. If we have a lot on our minds and feel as if these thoughts are driving us crazy, meditation can help to calm us.
Spend Time in Nature
We spend so much time confined in buildings either at work or at home that we have forgotten where we come from. It is natural for us to be in nature, and this is why it feels so good and it is so peaceful when we go for a walk in a park, take a bike ride or stand watching the waves roll in at the beach.
Learn the Power of a Smile
Whenever we laugh or smile, something happens on a chemical level to make us feel better, and stress and negativity are prevented from entering our minds. A simple smile can make such a difference. We quickly realise that when we smile we feel more peaceful and do not take ourselves so seriously.
See the BIG Picture
When we are so consumed with our own problems we can no longer see the wood from the trees. It’s helpful to remind ourselves how big the world is. Let’s be aware that the world does not revolve around our problems. For example, the Christchurch earthquake has put other cares and worries into perspective for those who experienced that disaster.
Embrace Hope
Hope is what lightens our lives. Whenever we get stressed out and overwhelmed within our own life, we forget about hope. We forget that the sun always shines after a rainy day and that this is merely a bump in the road.
The Solutions are Inside Us
One thing that creates a lot of our stress is the fact that we always worry about not having all the answers. By accepting that we do not know everything right now but are open to perpetual learning is a tremendous step forward. Accept that life is one big journey of never-ending learning and we will find ourselves closer to experience true inner peace.
Live in the Here and Now
Most of the time, what we worry about is relating to something either in the past, or something that hasn’t happened. Living in the present erases all such thoughts. Why worry about something in the past that we cannot change? Why worry about something that we are not even sure will happen or not?
“Reality is the leading cause of stress amongst those in touch with it.” – Jane Wagner
By Ron Trustin
Motivating baby boomers to see the world with fresh eyes.
Read more articles from Ron here.
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