Life: some days it can be full of joy and activity, and others it may feel a bit like it’s passing you by. If you are reaching the end of another year and are feeling a bit ‘meh’ about the direction you are going in, it might be time to do a bit of a stock take of your life and see what you can do to get closer to your goals and dreams, and make the most of each day.
Measure success by your level of happiness. Are you happy? If not, then you should change something – you deserve life to be fulfilling. Ask yourself the following and don’t be afraid to change direction – there is always time to do so.
How much time do you spend doing things you shouldn’t be doing?
How do you spend the majority of your time? Does it serve you well, or are you hiding from/avoiding the things which will lead you to a better life? Getting lost in cyberspace or TV, over-eating and drinking, withdrawing from relationships or using excuses (I’m too busy) can burn time and motivation. You may need to examine your daily routine activities and make changes.
Do you grumble a lot?
Talking through problems can be a good way to find solutions, if that is the goal, and you are talking to someone who can offer sound advice. However, if you are just complaining, that is really achieving little but spreading negative energy, which will keep you stuck and change nothing.
Take stock of your thoughts and talk about what you appreciate about your life, not what you don’t like. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can, or think you can’t… either way, you’re right.“ This includes how your own self talk – be your own best friend, not worst enemy. Whatever you tell yourself is likely to become your reality.
Are you a pond or a stream?
Still water will soon grow stagnant, whereas a moving stream is constantly changing and evolving. If you’re not continually growing and learning as a person, you too can become stagnant — keep your mind active and learn new things. Positive challenges in your life will expand your mind, not send it backwards.
Are you inspired?
What are you passionate about? When you have an interest that really lights you up, it keeps you feeling energetic. It goes without saying that loved ones can inspire you, but to be a happy, motivated individual, you’ll need more than other people to keep you going. Find out what makes your heart sing and do more of it.
Do you have a plan?
While it’s always great to live in the ”now“ and “be in the moment,” sometimes you need to look ahead to see where you want to go. Re-set your inner GPS if you are feeling a bit like a boat without a rudder and set your course anew.
Who is on your team?
As the saying goes, ‘your vibe attracts your tribe.’ Surround yourself with people who make you feel like a better person – seek out those who are growth oriented and energetic and distance yourself from the ‘energy vampires.’
Are you taking good care of yourself?
Living well means feeling good. Not only is sleep essential to your health, so is food and exercise; it affects your mental attitude and overall well-being. So take a look at your diet and level of activity. You might find that making a few small changes will greatly improve your life. Address any health concerns you have – a head in the sand approach never cured anyone.
Once you feel good, you’ll be more inclined to leave your comfort zone, which is often the best thing you can do for yourself. Taking a risk can improve your life – there is a difference between a “risk“ and a ”calculated risk” of course, but it can start your on a whole new trajectory, with many new possibilities.
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