Five great tips for building a dog house.
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
Casting a community lifeline – Bill Hellyer
Meet mild-mannered farmer Bill Hellyer who can morph at a moment into a life-saving hero,...
Cooking with Kristy – Meatballs & Pasta
A tasty meal that can be served hot, cold or frozen for another time. Serves 2-4 ...
Stevia – A healthy alternative to sugar
Sweetener of Choice for Future Generations
How To Cook The Best Olive Oil Bread In The World
Olive Oil bread is fantastic to eat with anything, but goes particularly well with pasta and ...
Halloween themed party
Are you wondering how to throw the next great Halloween themed party?
Rose, 93, Keeps at Full Stretch
For sheer get up and go, Rose Jacob takes some beating. In visits to the annual ...
Lay A Stepping Stone Path
Mark Rayer, from Weekend Gardener, shows how to lay concrete pavers.
What’s in the Shops?
Weekend Gardener visits a local garden centre in search of inspiration. Mike Gowing visits Touchstone, Gisborne.
Towards Sustainable Gardening
Plant for a dryer climate.