Whenever you pick up a book or catalogue on roses, you are presented with different classifications of roses. Have you ever wondered what a Hybrid Tea actually is or what is the difference between some of the categories?
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
A High and Mighty Liquor
Plato once said, perhaps after a zythos or two with his mates in the back bar of The Wooden Horse, "He was a wise man who invented beer."
GrownUps Story
Most parents would agree that it is hard when our children grow up and leave the nest.
Olympic Roses
'City of London' was bred in the UK but does well here in New Zealand. It is a climber but not one that will take over your garden so perfect for smaller spaces.
Davis Funerals – Grief Support Programme
At Davis Funerals it's important to us that the care of our client families continues beyond the funeral. It is important to us that we are here for our families whenever they need us.
Potato and Cauliflower Curry
One of the great pitfalls with food at home these days can be boredom, mainly through eating the same dishes if not day after day, then week after week. For whatever reason, this can destroy one of life's great pleasures!
Rockmybaby Childcare
Rockmybaby ™ is an innovative and very successful company providing childcare recruitment services to families across the country (and world!). With steady and continuing growth the team are always looking for more nannies to come forward and help with ch
Hayden Foulds
Our organisation is made up of district rose societies across New Zealand all working towards the promotion of the rose in all its various forms.
Disease Resistant Roses
It is true in recent years that roses have not had a good reputation when it comes to disease resistance and it is probably fair to say that this is why the Queen of Flowers is not as popular as it once was.
Yellow and Gold Roses
With the Olympics in full swing as I write this, what better to write about then some excellent yellow and gold roses that you can plant in your own garden.