"An apple is an excellent thing…until you have tried a peach." - George du Maurier 1834-1896
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
Lath and Plaster
Many old homes in New Zealand have walls and ceilings that have been plastered using a method called Lath and Plaster.
Adventurous GrownUps – Mica
After living a relatively isolated existence as an artist in remote parts of NZ for more than 30 years following his arrival from Germany, Mica, then aged 55, decided to step completely out of his comfort zone and engage more with the world.
Summer Heights
A belated Happy New Year! I have always found this an unreal time of year in New Zealand; Christmas is past, the New Year celebrated but with many still on holiday and the country itself has got its shorts and jandals on and is just cruising slowly throug
Public Rose Gardens of New Zealand – Part 1: North Island
During summer, head on down and check out some of these gardens today and see how the roses are doing. If you are in the market for some roses for your own garden, make a note of which ones are doing well for later on.
BBQ Oily Rag Style
Happy New Year! It's summer and for many that means dusting off the BBQ. Some BBQs have more gadgets and style than a Lear Jet but that's not really the oily rag way.
A Warrant of Fitness for Life and Living
We have a vehicle Warrant of Fitness, debate the need for a boaties and parental warrant of fitness, but what about a life warrant of fitness?
What Teens Want This Christmas
What do teens want this Christmas? The world. But to find some real answers, I decided to do some research. Let's see what they really want!
Adventurous GrownUps – Barbara
Looking for a bit of an adventure in September, Barbara walked the 816km of the Camino de Santiago in Spain. Carrying her own pack at age 72, she spent the next 35 days walking on average 25km each day - and totally loved it.
Christmas Parties Without Breaking the Bank
Here are some great, easy tips to help you plan this year's Christmas Party without going bankrupt!