We all have to suffer loss in our lives and it is hard. I do not think we are ever really prepared for it.
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
Natasha Williams – Gardening Without Injury
As our skin ages, it can be easily bruised or scratched by minor accidents around the home or while working outdoors.
Interview with Nigel Kelly
Welcome to the five hundred and thirty-second of my blog interviews with novelists, poets, short story ...
Rose Hall of Fame
Every three years, rosarians from around the world gather at the World Rose Convention to share ideas and knowledge on the rose.
Dogs – Our Best Friends
There is a reason why dogs are our best friends. This article is to remind us of why we love dogs so much, to spare a few minutes and to spare a few words in praise of "man's best friend," the dog.
Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit!
Wild rabbit meat has fewer than half the calories of pork and about half those of lamb and beef. Delicious and nutritious though these animals undoubtedly are, they are also a major pest.
The One-Armed Cook
My sister in law is a fount of wisdom. One of her sayings is "Inbetween falling, kick up your heels!". I sit here with my left arm encased in a fetching apple green plaster cast. Luckily the supermarket has a lot to offer the one armed cook.
Wallpaper Faults
Just in case you are thinking about wallpapering anytime soon here's a couple of the most common problems you might find.
The Food Of Heroes
We are told so often how lucky we are to be living in New Zealand, where we have such wonderful produce and spectacular food. I thought about that as I wandered round my local supermarket last week, trying to get enthusiastic about buying something for di
Older People Valued with Wide Range of Services
Whether they receive domestic or personal care support in their own homes, live independently in a retirement village, or are residents in rest home or hospital, older people connected to Presbyterian Support Otago are encouraged and supported to be as ac