Timber doors and door frames react to the humidity in the air as well as the changing seasons. Doors that open easily in the summer just can't be budged on a wet winter's day.
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
Talk to Me
This week I've decided to share a few easy and quick ways you can stimulate conversation with a teen even during a busy day!
Tiles in the Bathroom
One of the most common problems that everyone can suffer from is mould in the bathroom. Here are some handy tips for looking after your bathroom tiles.
Ageing Parents and Adult Children
What obligations do ageing parents have for their adult children and what obligations do adult children have for their ageing parents?
The Teen Lie Detector
So right now, you're just about to find out ways to spot a lying teenager (or co-worker, partner...etc....we're all human, right?), and the VERY interesting tip to take out of this is at the very bottom.
Life As Preparation for Retirement
John Miles is a very energized and alive 75 years old. On reflection he figures that he started getting ready for retirement when he was about twelve.
As a DIY person there are many things that you can do to deter all but the most persistent and professional burglar.
What a terribly sad few weeks it has been with the passing of Sir Paul Holmes, Kevin Black, and now Phillip Leishman.
Say G’day to Your Ancestors
've been obsessed with genealogy all summer. Never got around to it before but the internet makes it so very easy and fascinating.
Is Your Back Door The Weakest Link?
It never ceases to surprise me how many people, even in this day and age and with all the publicity around opportunist crime, still leave an open invitation to opportunist thieves.