On a Saturday afternoon, a little over 11 years ago I was at a loose end and visited Victoria Park Market in Auckland. My life had changed.
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
Something nobody wants to talk about
Because I am going to be a regular face on the GrownUps website, I have been ...
Allan Dick – Peter Bethune: Saving the Whales While We Do Nothing
I can't believe what I heard on Kerre Woodham's radio show last night. Caller after caller, as well as the host herself, all putting the verbal boot into Peter Bethune, the New Zealand anti-whaling protester.
Barbecue Balance
Whether yours is by the beach or in the backyard, state of the art or run of the mill, fuelled by gas, charcoal or driftwood there is something wonderful about cooking on a barbecue.
Helping Your Grandchild or Teen write a CV
This article isn't so much for the young person in your life; it's for you, because as an acting influence in their life, you have the power to help them get their CV right the first time, if you bring it to their attention.
Super foods: tomatoes
Tomatoes are one of the richest sources of lycopene, the potent age-defying antioxidant that gives fruit and vegetables their red colour.
Baked Beans, Nature’s Superfood
New Zealanders munch their way through an average of 2.6 kilograms of baked beans per head each year but few would realise the true nutritional benefits of this 'super food'.
Soups, A quick and healthy meal solution
Being able to eat your way to a healthier you sounds too good to be true, but that's just what the annual Wattie's National Soup week aims to teach us.
Adapting recipes for health needs
The aim of a good healthy lifestyle is to include a variety of many different foods that will supply plenty of nutrients and to balance your energy intake with your activity levels!
Public Rose Gardens of New Zealand – Part 2: South Island
Following on from my last column which featured North Island gardens, it is now time to look at some of the gardens around the South Island.