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Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.

Wood Finishes

Recently I was asked a question that crops up on a regular basis and the question is "What finish should I use on a particular piece of furniture"?

Spray Painting

A friend asked question last week about the best method of painting an old dining room chair with a wicker seat. Without hesitation I suggested using a tin of spray paint.

Spring Clean Up Time

As winter moves into spring its time for the home owner to do a check around his or her property for any damage caused by the depredation of winter.

Floor Sanding

In response to a question from a fellow GrownUp, in this feature I am going to explore the idea of sanding wooden floors.

Life in the Ageing Lane

With increasing longevity, particularly over the past century, our lives can roughly be divided into thirds. The growing up years, working years, and the ageing years.