If ever there was a day for comfort food where we live on Wellington's south coast, it was last Thursday.
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
New Seasons Roses
As I write this, it is Queens Birthday weekend, the last long weekend for some time but also an important part of any rose lover's calendar.
Thoughts for Food
Our cat Parker is a greedy little fellow, always with his paw out for something to eat. The thing that surprises us is that he never gets bored, as we would if we ate the same thing day after day.
The Art of Selina Young
Just over a year ago a talented young artist took her life. But the legacy remains.
Les Mills: The father of fitness
Back in 1968 a man and his wife opened one small gymnasium. Four decades later fitness ...
Kitchen Serendipity
Much as I enjoy browsing round food stores there are times when I don't feel like going out to shop. On those days I have a look to see what's in the pantry, fridge or freezer and have fun putting together a serendipitous meal
Seeking Success in Midlife
By the time a woman reaches her midlife she has shed many of the idealistic and romantic notions that her previous goals and dreams were founded on.
Gardening: Fun and Frugal, save money
Whether you are an avid vegetable gardener, a beginning herb gardener or just like to have a pretty yard, these tips may help you save a little money!
Life Lessons Teens Can Learn from Cooking
A much debated topic around the world has always been around how much responsibility and amount of chores teens and children need to pick up at home. Perhaps this may not necessarily apply to your household, but your kids may find this helpful for their h
Household Chores for Teens at Home
As your kids grow up, and ultimately become teenagers, provided they haven't left home, a lot of conflict may arise from misunderstandings about what the responsibilities at home are.