25% of retirees are just getting by on the basics. Are you ready to face your ...
Articles all about our country, your favourites like food, wine, family, your home, gardening, retirement living and yes, something about pets also.
WOMAD 2018
WOMAD (World of Music and Dance) has become an addiction! For the third year in a ...
Video: I live on an airplane
Bruce Campbell lives in an airplane. Yes, an actual jet. The Portland-based aeronautics enthusiast makes his ...
5 homemade Easter treats
Easter reminds us of the last few warm days before the Autumn chill sets in, chocolate treats ...
History lost and history found
I’m sure you are all aware of my sentimentality for anything old. I love antiques. I ...
Privacy, the internet & social media
OPINION: The latest breach of privacy – a huge breach from Facebook as it turns out ...
Finding the retirement village that’s right for you
Retirement villages aren’t what they used to be. The best modern retirement villages are supportive environments, ...
The wedding was a quiet affair, with only close family and friends. Humphrey's parents were killed in a boating accident and he only had one sibling, a sister named Claire.
Life hacks with salt water
To save on cleaning products, avoid handling chemicals and achieve great results, these salt water life ...
When being pet-mad goes bad and what to do about it
In what can be a cold, hard world, it's not unusual to find people who openly admit to a preference for animals over people.