For inspiration with writing this first column, I turned to Grownups' other columnists. That really freaked me out; and I almost threw in the towel at that point. But for Leigh Bramwell, I may well have given up.
Our People, Our Country
My Dad, A Hero
My Dad was a hero. He must have been - he went to war to fight for king and country!
Meet Thelma McNiven
Recently because of trauma I felt from earthquakes, I decided to live in Cromwell, a decision I have never regretted. I have made lots of friends and people are so kind.
The Art of Selina Young
Just over a year ago a talented young artist took her life. But the legacy remains.
Les Mills: The father of fitness
Back in 1968 a man and his wife opened one small gymnasium. Four decades later fitness ...
Adventurous GrownUps – Diane: Born to Fly
Most of the time Diane is out having fun singing, working and volunteering with and for other people. It's that kind of spirit that signals that she is an Adventurous type.
What a terribly sad few weeks it has been with the passing of Sir Paul Holmes, Kevin Black, and now Phillip Leishman.
Something nobody wants to talk about
Because I am going to be a regular face on the GrownUps website, I have been ...
Allan Dick – Peter Bethune: Saving the Whales While We Do Nothing
I can't believe what I heard on Kerre Woodham's radio show last night. Caller after caller, as well as the host herself, all putting the verbal boot into Peter Bethune, the New Zealand anti-whaling protester.
Adventurous GrownUps – Mica
After living a relatively isolated existence as an artist in remote parts of NZ for more than 30 years following his arrival from Germany, Mica, then aged 55, decided to step completely out of his comfort zone and engage more with the world.