An insite of Roland and Betty Clark’s journey from Ireland to rural New Zealand, shaping lives and community in mid-Canterbury.
Our People, Our Country
Exploring New Zealand’s Unique Butterflies and Moths
In NZ, diversity and uniqueness in the animal kingdom have flourished, and the country’s insects are no exception.
Attention Nature-Lovers – Great Home-Grown Experiences!
Whether you’re a newbie nature lover, or just looking for an experience with a difference, we’ve done the searching for you.
Beyond the Haka: A Personal Journey to Understand Māori Culture
Discover one woman's journey from ignorance to understanding as she explores the evolving role of Te Tiriti and Māori culture in our history and future.
Awakening the Boomers: A Call to Finish What We Started
As the world faces unprecedented challenges, author, Robin Woodsford, calls on Baby Boomers to revive their activist spirit and lead the charge for a better future.
How to Apologise Meaningfully
When it comes to making a meaningful apology for something we seriously regret and wish to put right, we are often at a loss for how to go about it.
Ask The Ombudsman
NZ was the first country outside Scandinavia to formally appoint an independent person to investigate grievances individuals had against government departments.
Social Connection When you Live Rurally!
We’ve put together tips on how rural seniors can stay socially connected, and how urban seniors can help them do it!
Fiction and Change
If we want society to improve, the first step is to create wider awareness of the problems in our society.
Winter Solstice – Ways to Celebrate
Winter solstice is just around the corner, and this year it helpfully falls on a Friday, perfect for a ‘start-of-the-weekend’ celebration!