There are so many little things that need doing all over your home, but if you ...
Home & Home Improvement
Dealing with clutter
I define clutter as anything that doesn’t have a designated place to be put away when ...
Rain Water Tank
Since retiring I've spend a lot more time enjoying a hobby that has been a bit of a passion for years, gardening.
Oil Stains
Take a nice clean concrete driveway or pristine garage floor and what does it become? A magnet for oil! But don't worry - the Handyman is here to help!
DIY projects made simple
Whilst some DIY tasks require a high level of skill, there are many DIY projects that ...
1 Simple Step To A Healthier Lifestyle
After oxygen, water is the single most important thing our bodies need. Given our bodies are ...
Christmas and Beyond Oily Rag Style
Economical Christmas Gifts Pam from Waiuku writes, “Economical Christmas gifts. This year I have decided to ...
Repair Cafe
Now this is a brilliant idea. Instead of throwing away broken items, Amsterdam has repair cafes. Here, ...
Emergencies and Eggs
New Zealanders have been through many emergency situations in the past few years. There’s nothing like ...
The Printed Castle
What do you do when you can’t find a tree suitable for a treehouse for your ...