Döstädning. Aka “death cleaning”. It’s a Swedish concept that has been likened a little to Spring ...
Home & Home Improvement
Wall plugs
Most internal walls in New Zealand homes are hollow. This simple statement is of no particular interest until you want to fix 'something' to the wall. Learn about Hollow Wall Anchors from the Handyman himself!
Stilts & other homemade toys
It's that time of the year again when we all suffer from an urge to spend up large on gifts, particularly those for children, why not turn the clock back a little this year and make a couple of toys for the children in your life?
Share houses for grown ups: Abbeyfield House
Article originated from Compassion for Financial Capability (CFFC) Being single or a widower as we get ...
What do you think of Pantone’s Colour of the Year?
When it comes to interior design and home decorating, Pantone’s colour of the year is going ...
Home help
Clutter not only takes up space around the home, it also takes up space in one’s ...
Top ‘Good Housekeeping’ tips
On 2nd May 1885, domestic bible Good Housekeeping was first published. It has always been a source ...
Antiquing furniture
Antiquing furniture is also a great retirement hobby.
Loppers designed with seniors in mind
Well it's now into January and Christmas is disappearing into the past, doesn't time fly as you get older! Anyway I hope that everyone had a fantastic Christmas and celebrated the new decade in style even if it was with a cup of cocoa and a soft biscuit
3 ways to create a coastal retreat in your home
The outdoors is a great way to achieve inspiration for your home. From the use of ...